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American Addiction Centers made the decision to close San Diego Addiction Treatment Center. Our sister facility Laguna Treatment Hospital, located in Orange County, CA, is available to help you. Laguna and it's world class treatment team have an amazing reputation of providing high quality care to individuals struggling with addiction.

Click here to learn more about Laguna Treatment Hospital.

San Diego Man Gets 12 Years for Selling Drugs by Drone

drone flying over the Mexican border to transport drugs

The latest person to be caught engaging in a growing trend of drone use in the drug trade was arrested for sending 13 pounds of crystal meth over the border fence. He was sentenced to more than a dozen years in prison after he pled guilty to conspiracy to import the drug.

An agent for the US Border Patrol heard the buzzing sound of the motor when the drone was flown over the wall last summer. It was found hidden under a bush, and it contained crystal meth estimated to be worth about $46,000. According to reports, the man who was arrested said that he had already successfully smuggled drugs across the border using a drone five or six times in the past, flying the drone over the wall from Mexico and then crossing the border himself and retrieving the hidden drone once back in the United States.

The case demonstrates that drug dealers are always looking for – and finding – ways to get around whatever new impediments are thrown up in their way. There will always be the ongoing threat of illicit drugs sold in our community, even when certain substances are legalized, as people seek to get around regulations and limitations.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • The ongoing drug epidemic in the United States is your problem, too. If you are in recovery, you know firsthand how devastating it can be to get caught up in addiction. If you have a loved one who has struggled with addiction, you also know how much the disorder can steal from someone. Even if you have not been personally touched by addiction, you are impacted. Your tax dollars go to pay for its heavy financial toll, and your safety is at risk due to the choices people make while under the influence. It’s your problem, too.

  • You can positively impact the problem today. Consider what you have to offer. Everyone can play a role in helping to fight the addiction epidemic.

  • Share your story. If you have been personally touched by addiction, people need to hear from you. Whether you have lived in active addiction and made it through addiction into recovery, watched a loved one struggle on their personal journey into sobriety, or lost someone you love to overdose, sharing what you have experienced will help people to better understand the impact of the epidemic and resolve to take action.

  • Your vote counts. There are new pieces of legislation being presented every day as states and the federal government alike work to manage the problem of addiction. Find out who represents you, follow them on social media, keep up with them in the news, and watch who is doing what. That way, when you go to the polls and vote on legislation, you can also make sure to vote in the people who are doing what you want them to do in Washington and Sacramento.

  • You have things to offer your community. Are you good with kids? Do you have space in your home and financial resources? Perhaps becoming a foster parent is the right choice for you. Do you have extra time to spare in your schedule? Do you have access to transportation? Maybe signing up to deliver meals to the elderly is a good way for you to have a positive impact on the people around you. Do you enjoy cooking? Do you like interacting with people? It could be that volunteering at a food kitchen or food bank is a good fit for you. If you have struggled with addiction in the past, if you are strong and stable in recovery, it may be that your calling is to in some way provide outreach and support for those who are still in active addiction and help them connect with the treatment that was so valuable to your own experience.

What is it that you have to offer to your community, to your loved one, coworker, or neighbor living with addiction, or to yourself? If you are struggling with a substance use disorder of your own, the most important thing you can do to help the people around you is to take care of yourself and connect with the treatment you need to heal. Is it time to help yourself so that you can better help others?

Get Help Now.

Has addiction stolen your loved one? Take action and call (619) 577-4483 or fill out this form to speak with a Treatment Consultant about our drug rehab center or one of our facilities across the United States.

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